Creativity Skills: Creative thinking

Creative thinking

Creative thinking consists in the ability to devise different solutions to the same problem, reasoning in a flexible and fluid way and finding unusual and original answers. Creative thinking means being first of all an intellectually curious person, interested in expanding his knowledge without prejudice. But it also means being able to find new connections between facts and known things, look at facts in an objective way, try to have complete visions, from different perspectives or points of view. An essential element for innovating ideas and methods.

At the basis of all this, an optimistic vision of life is needed, seen as an opportunity to express oneself, beyond possible obstacles, interpreted by those who have creative thinking as an engine for learning, change and improvement. A proactive approach to things, especially essential in times of crisis. The fulcrum at the basis of thought consists in never ceasing to analyze, study, question oneself, in order to learn, consequently producing creative elements as a way of self-expression.

This means not being excessively discouraged by difficulties, but on the contrary trying to use them as a motivator. Often those with a creative way of thinking have a clear vision of the objectives they intend to achieve, know how to make decisions and are not intimidated by taking unusual paths to achieve their goals, daring both from the point of view of substance and of method, giving their best and taking full responsibility for their actions. The ability to connect with others is also part of the personality with creative thinking.

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

Creative thinking can prove to be fundamental, in this post-pandemic period, in the search for work, in the organization and planning of work activities because it allows to find alternative methods and solutions to the usual ones with therefore greater opportunities for success in a difficult context.