Creativity Skills: Networking


The term "Networking" indicates the ability to create and maintain a system of relationships. The goal is to unite more realities and people, bring together their skills and knowledge, to carry out common projects, with mutual benefits. Networking means establishing a relationship of reciprocity, thanks to which an exchange of ideas, advice, information and contacts is generated. It is a virtuous circle in which one gives and one receives, for a mutual exchange. Overall, therefore, we can define "Networking" as a method aimed at creating new relationships and exchanges of various kinds.

To do this, of course, there is a need for consistency in maintaining relationships and, above all, mutual and reciprocal trust is needed. In fact, on both sides there must be a constant mutual exchange, in order to develop mutual trust. The ability to create networks also applies in the world of work: within a company it could be a project in order to make itself known to as many people as possible, to expand its customers, to collaborate with other companies. Above all, this last factor is the key to success for a successful network. Cooperation and team play can undoubtedly give an extra boost to the implementation of projects and the economic growth of a company.

In addition to the purely economic aspect, those who set up a good Networking plan will be able to stay in touch not only with their customers, but will forge partnerships with other professionals who face similar problems. Within the network, professionals will therefore have the opportunity to receive support, cooperation, support and advice by other professionals. This is the reason why trust must be the basis of everything; only in this way will everyone have an interest in helping and being helped. A good network allows to better deal with moments of greatest stress. This aspect is of fundamental importance and not to be underestimated, especially considering that we live in a period of crisis. Being aware of having a good network of collaborators with whom to share experiences and constructive comparisons will make professionals within a company more united and more self-confident, increasing their productivity and enthusiasm. The result will be an enrichment of everyone's knowledge, encouraging their job growth within the company. To sum up, the guiding concept of Networking is that unity is strength. Finding people with the same goal and who wish to collaborate, involve them and implement good practices of networking  allows to achieve excellent results.

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

Networking in times of crisis allows us to make a common front by having more tools to address critical issues in mutual interest, thus having greater opportunities for success than acting individually, each with limited tools.