Creativity Skills: Innovation


An innovative person has a methodology of action such as to be able to change, mostly for the better, the existing state of affairs, in search of effective and efficient solutions. At the base of the ability to innovate it is necessary to have a good dose of curiosity, which gives impetus to the search for new and unusual things, through the will to experiment. Curiosity and search for new experiences, to be combined with the ability to ask questions about the state of things and in parallel with the desire to seek new and unprecedented answers, without fear of finding unusual ones, which means  not usual, common or already made. An innovative person is basically a curious person. Curious about new technologies, fascinated by new trends, interested in the new and the unprecedented.

A curiosity aimed at experimentation, in order to find better and more effective solutions to different needs, through, in the possible fields of application of innovative thinking, in any case of a rigorous and scientific method. The result of innovation, the creation of a prototype, an original model, in an innovative approach is based on rigorous quality criteria: specific elements or functions will be selected, tested and measured in order to confirm the achievement of the quality objectives. The ability to innovate also presupposes asking questions about the surrounding world and gathering information, to then be constantly looking for new ideas in order to improve the existing one through innovative solutions.

The characteristics that distinguish the most innovative people are the ability to ask questions, the spirit of observation, experimentation and the ability to relate. Innovative people are able to generate ideas from old solutions, also taken from other areas, recombining them in a different way, constantly trying to understand how existing processes can be modified to provide better results. It is therefore necessary to be able to change one's hypotheses, going beyond the boundaries dictated by one's thinking and imagining opposite alternatives, observing common phenomena in detail and without preconceptions.

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

In times of crisis it is essential to have an innovative mentality: the world presents new challenges, which can be better faced by having the ability to imagine and experiment with new methods and new responses.