Creativity Skills: Curiosity


Intellectual curiosity is defined as a general interest and motivation in learning. Intellectual curiosity is a personality trait that gives the ability to open one's field of knowledge, to have an open mind, to contnuously acquire information, new knowledge and to learn from previous experiences.

Intellectual curiosity leads to knowledge. Curious people look around, explore the world and ask themselves questions about their surroundings. Intellectual curiosity is one of the fundamental ingredients of creativity. Above all, it is a mental attitude that rejects passivity and puts everything into question. Curiosity is a challenge to oneself and to the world, which allows one to embrace the complexity of the existing thanks to a passionate interest in what one does not know.

The curious person looks for motivations capable of stimulating his creativity, he wants to know the world around him, with a strong desire to explore and learn. He has a mind trained to ask questions, recognizes his gaps and wants to fill them. He has a good tolerance to stress and is willing to accept answers he did not expect.

The ability to open one's own field of knowledge, to have an open mind, to continuously acquire new knowledge and to learn from previous experiences is fundamental in any activity, including work. Intellectual curiosity is one of the prerequisites for constant personal growth and is the basis of creative thinking.

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

Intellectual curiosity in times of crisis allows you to analyze the causes of the crisis itself, to understand its elements by deepening your knowledge, thus giving you the opportunity to better extricate yourself from the situation and find positive solutions.