Creativity Skills: Logical thinking

Logical thinking

Logical thinking is a mental process that uses logical-rational tools, justifying the operational mechanisms used at each step. Logical intelligence, of an abstract type, requires the ability to examine an event in a subdivided way, isolating with analysis the factors that intervene to originate it. If problem solution schemes have already proved effective in the past, they will tend to be reused in the present too. Logical thinking is an aptitude for mental concentration that allows us to examine an event in a subdivided way by analyzing its parts in an orderly and consequential way. This allows to isolate and analyze the factors that make up the phenomenon itself.

Logical thinking is typical of rational people, who try to observe things objectively to find explanations and solutions without getting carried away by prejudices in the analysis of the facts and not allowing feelings to interfere with rationality. Using logical thinking, if a solution to a problem has already proven effective, it is reused, just as ineffective solutions are discarded. Logical thinking is linear, organized, consequential. Logical thinking favors the analysis of abstract concepts, using rationality. Logical thinking uses the deductive method, which is a cognitive process that starts from the general to arrive at the particular. It is analytical because it segments and organizes all the information, allowing the organization of the reasoning that is carried out, so that the reasoning proceeds in a rational and precise way, developing linearly, step by step, until it reaches conclusions.

To advance the logical thinking process, it is crucial to differentiate established facts from personal observations. To come to a logical conclusion, it is necessary to focus on proven information. The ability to analyze facts and use logical thinking allows to overcome wrong patterns of behavior - even in the workplace - and find new solutions to problems. Effective solutions, because they are based on facts and not on prejudices and preconceptions.

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

The coronavirus emergency is triggering an unprecedented economic crisis, logical intelligence can prove to be fundamental for analyzing the situation and finding effective solutions, in all fields, including work organization