Creativity Skills: Experimenting (cognitive)


Experimenting means subjecting something to tests and checks to evaluate its quality, efficiency and performance. In a broader sense it means not accepting ideas or procedures without actually verifying their reliability, therefore being able to reason and act not by convention but with knowledge of the facts. The experimental method is a process of formation and control of scientific knowledge based on the conduct of experiments.

What defines the experimental method is the observation, often repeated over time, made under particular conditions and opportunities, artificially created and particularly suitable for making the experimenter grasp an unclear aspect of what is being investigated. This method can be applied not only to science, but to life in general and also to the world of work, regardless of the type of production sector and professional category. In fact it is a way of acting, a modality of self-expression applicable to every area. The experimental method makes it possible to verify the validity of the ideas and the effectiveness of the actions and methods in each area. It is typical of concrete people, who evaluate facts and follow passions without considering rewards or recognition, who are not afraid to take risks and are in search of the truth. Those who implement the experimental method want to obtain concrete results, have divergent, unusual thoughts and want to find effective and ingenious solutions to problems. Applying experimentation means constantly wanting to test the effectiveness of ideas, actions and methods, concretely verifying their reliability.

Using this method means being ready to change if the usual methods do not pass the constant verification tests, therefore it means having an open mind and a creative thinking, oriented towardsthe search for constant improvement rather than the repetition of what is already there.

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

In times of crisis, experimenting with ideas or procedures and concretely verifying their reliability is even more important because the difficulty of the context requires more than ever to adopt the most efficient solutions, abandoning the ineffective ones.