Time management is the ability to mentally structure a process of organizing and planning activities efficiently. Time management is the ability to do the right thing at the right time, with the minimum effort and optimizing one's resources, therefore effectively and efficiently, in order to achieve objectives and commitments within the deadlines. Time management is one of the fundamental soft skills, both personally and in the workplace. Time management, in essentially, it is the process of planning and controlling time, applied and used in specific activities, in order to increase effectiveness, efficiency and productivity.
Having the ability to manage time includes a wide range of qualities, such as focusing, planning, allocation, goal setting, delegation, time analysis, monitoring, organization, scheduling and prioritization. It is fundamental to mind the priorities, the importance and urgency of the tasks. In proper time management it is essential not to be overwhelmed by the to-do list but to keep a calm yet efficient approach. It is also important to make the most of the time itself by having the right balance between time dedicated to planning and time dedicated to action. It is also necessary to have the ability to deal with interruptions and not allow one's interlocutors to waste time on useless activities. Clearly, punctuality, respect of deadlines and to not allowing to accumulate work to be done are symptoms of good time management. Effective time management makes it possible to tackle unexpected tasks without particular difficulties and to carry out activities without feeling tired and fatigued.
With a good time management each person can achieve a lot of important milestones. Knowing how to use time is one of the fundamental skills of life, as well as for work, also in personal life. A key for well-being, stress reduction and the optimal balance between private and working life.
Time management is always important in the world of work, even more so in a context of crisis, when you must always be ready to face unexpected activities and emergencies.