Leadership Skills: Compelling vision

Compelling vision

To lead effectively, it is essential to have followers. A key part of obtaining followers is creating and communicating a compelling vision that means that others want to follow where you lead. If we look at some of the most compelling visions in history, they are very personal. Creating the vision is only half of the work. Leaders also need to communicate their vision, and ‘sell’ it to others.

A vision is a picture of where the organisation, group or individual needs to be, or where it is going.

Really compelling change visions also, set out what the organisation will be able to do, and what opportunities it will be able to take advantage of, after the changes have been achieved. In other words, the vision also includes the reason for the change.

There are two fundamental elements of a powerful and compelling vision:

  • It is simple and easy to understand. Ideally, when written down, it should fill no more than half a page of paper and take around 30 to 60 seconds to explain. This means it can be communicated quickly and effectively, and more importantly, it is likely to be remembered and passed on to others. It must, in other words, be clear, precise, and achievable, not a vague statement of broad principle. People within and outside the organisation must be able to understand clearly what the organisation will look like or do once the vision is achieved.
  • It is logical, but also has emotional appeal. A powerful vision is logical: it is reasonable and works intellectually. It must also make a conscious appeal to the emotions. In other words, it must ‘grab’ people, and make them want to follow, but can also clearly be achieved and is a reasonable thing to aim towards.

The precise nature of the vision will vary depending on what needs to change. It might cover people, places, technology, behaviour, or something else entirely. It will depend what the organisation or person needs to achieve. Additionaly the other important rule is communicate vision, constantly. If you are not enthusiastic or interested in vision for a long time, nobody else will be either. Vision must to be describing and explaining over and over again, and using lots of different routes: speeches, writings, social media, etc.

Also individuals could have their own personal vison. Everyone who’s ever made a serious impact or achieved personal success has had a vision. Such a vision is a strategy for getting results in your life. People with vision usually asked a question: What do I want to achieve/accomplished in the future? Alongside with desired outcome, they are including their core values into vison and they are making it challenging enough. Important is to have a timeline in mind. Vison can be revised and reviewed if necessary, but changes should be minal, the vision works as a guideline.

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

For volunteers leader, it is important to note a key distinction between management and leadership: leaders are well-versed in how to guide their colleagues in direction, actions, and opinions. In other words, leaders are influential. The ability to influence is crucial to success, especially in crisis. Leaders and volunteers are charged with mobilizing people to give of their time and talent around a compelling vision for the future, and if you can’t inspire them to follow you, you can’t meet your goals.