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Self-Assessment Tool

Cluster: Creativity Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Creativity Skills cluster!

I am an intellectually curious person (1/144)

Often I find new connections between facts and things (2/144)

I like to look at facts and things from different perspectives or points of view (3/144)

I see life as an opportunity for self-expression (4/144)

I use the obstacles of life as an engine for creativity (5/144)

I usually produce creative elements to express myself (6/144)

I never stop learning and questioning myself (7/144)

Difficulties and problems do not demotivate me (8/144)

I have a clear vision of the goals I want to achieve (9/144)

I am a person who knows how to make decisions (10/144)

My goal is to give my best (11/144)

I am primarily responsible for achieving my goals (12/144)

I like new and unusual things (13/144)

I am looking for new experiences (14/144)

I'm curious about new technologies (15/144)

I am intrigued by the new trends in culture and society (16/144)

I ask myself questions about what I see (17/144)

I am constantly looking for new ideas (18/144)

I like to gather information (19/144)

I like to build models and prototypes (20/144)

I am rigorous in meeting quality criteria (21/144)

I have a thousand ideas per minute (22/144)

I like to improve organizational processes (23/144)

I like innovative solutions (24/144)

It is my habit to examine and break down facts (25/144)

I try not to get overwhelmed by too much information (26/144)

I look for the strengths and weaknesses of ideas (27/144)

I know how to find and organize data (28/144)

I am a thoughtful person (29/144)

I like to look at the details of things (30/144)

I know how to use and network the information I have (31/144)

I learn something new every day (32/144)

I like to read and be informed (33/144)

I like to hear different opinions (34/144)

I always try to increase my education (35/144)

I am a careful observer (36/144)

I am looking for motivations capable of stimulating my creativity (37/144)

I like to know the life of other people (38/144)

I like to observe nature and the world around me (39/144)

I'm looking for new information on things (40/144)

I have a strong desire to explore and learn (41/144)

New things grab my attention (42/144)

I have a mind trained to ask questions (43/144)

I recognize my gaps and want to fill them (44/144)

I am amazed at the fascinating features of the world (45/144)

I have a good stress tolerance (46/144)

I am willing to accept answers that I did not expect (47/144)

I like to explore the world around me (48/144)

I have an aptitude for mental concentration (49/144)

I have the ability to examine an event in a subdivided way (50/144)

I like to isolate with analysis the factors that make up a fact or an idea (51/144)

I am a rational person (52/144)

I try to observe things objectively (53/144)

If a solution to a problem has already proved effective, I reuse it (54/144)

I think linearly (55/144)

I organize my thoughts (56/144)

I do not allow myself to be drawn into prejudice in analysing the facts (57/144)

I don't allow feelings to interfere with logic (58/144)

I like to understand abstract concepts (59/144)

I use rationality to evaluate and analyse a real situation (60/144)

I am always willing to listen to the proposals of others (61/144)

I am open to confrontation with those who have different ideas from mine (62/144)

I am available to change my mind (63/144)

I like experimenting with new ways of thinking (64/144)

I don't want to put limits on my knowledge (65/144)

I like to challenge the beliefs I currently have (66/144)

I accept others without criticizing them, although I may disagree with them (67/144)

I listen carefully to what others have to tell me (68/144)

I can easily change my behaviour (69/144)

I know how to face the new situations that gradually arise (70/144)

I try to keep the distinction between what I am, what I believe and what is the truth (71/144)

I don't feel threatened when my ideas are challenged (72/144)

I like trying new things (73/144)

I am constantly looking for opportunities for self-expression in my daily life (74/144)

I like to follow my passions without considering rewards or recognition (75/144)

I am a person who is not afraid to take risks (76/144)

I like to get concrete results quickly (77/144)

I have divergent, unusual and effective thoughts in relation to a certain task or problem (78/144)

I generate multiple and ingenious solutions to the same problem (79/144)

I like to check if things, ideas and methods work or not (80/144)

I like to put my ideas into practice (81/144)

I try to find a way to achieve a given goal by trying (82/144)

I like to test myself and others (83/144)

I submit things to tests and checks (84/144)

I like to talk to others (85/144)

I like meeting people with different ideas than mine (86/144)

I like to hold meetings to share and discuss ideas and projects (87/144)

I am a talent for teamwork (88/144)

I like to speak in public (89/144)

I like to find a synthesis of different ideas or proposals (90/144)

I have the ability to understand and recognize the emotions of others (91/144)

I know how to recognize and value the skills of others (92/144)

I can delegate tasks to other people (93/144)

I find it useful to circulate ideas (94/144)

I think it's important to rely on teammates (95/144)

I consider it important for a team to maintain good interpersonal relationships (96/144)

Sometimes I find myself working at unusual hours (97/144)

When I focus I lose track of time (98/144)

I can keep unexpected commitments and interruptions under control (99/144)

I don't let my interlocutors waste my time (100/144)

I am on time and I rarely arrive late (101/144)

I rarely feel tired and fatigued (102/144)

I have the right balance between the time dedicated to planning and that dedicated to action (103/144)

I always keep in mind the difference between the importance and urgency of what I do (104/144)

I almost always respect the commitments and deadlines (105/144)

I am aware of how much time I dedicate to each activity of my job (106/144)

The meetings I organize with other people finish on schedule (107/144)

I don't let the work pile up (108/144)

I dedicate time to relationships with other individuals (109/144)

I like travelling (110/144)

I like to meet people with different lifestyles (111/144)

I communicate positively and effectively with others (112/144)

I have good listening and negotiation skills (113/144)

I like good manners (114/144)

I have a positive attitude towards other people (115/144)

I have an assertive attitude (116/144)

I am a persuasive person (117/144)

I congratulate those who express their ideas (118/144)

I like to communicate and share with those who work with me (119/144)

I like to coordinate multidisciplinary teams (120/144)

I am an outgoing and friendly person (121/144)

I am a conscientious person (122/144)

I always try to maintain my emotional stability (123/144)

I consider myself a nice person (124/144)

I have the ability to know how to motivate myself on the challenges of everyday life (125/144)

I have a psychological capital that allows me to face the negative periods (126/144)

I am an empathic person (127/144)

I am available to learn (128/144)

I am a competent person (129/144)

I try to focus on positive thoughts (130/144)

If there is an obstacle I organize myself to overcome it (131/144)

I have a dynamic mindset (132/144)

I think that there is safety in numbers (133/144)

I believe it is right to share common goals (134/144)

It is useful to agree on the actions to be carried out (135/144)

It is important to involve all partners in the realization of a project (136/144)

I like the cooperative spirit (137/144)

I like to coordinate project activities (138/144)

I have a habit of working together with others (139/144)

I like the comparison of ideas (140/144)

The presence of different skills and experiences makes it possible to intervene in several sectors (141/144)

It is important to exchange information and good practices (142/144)

Networking allows to optimize human and economic resources (143/144)

In the future, the ability to network will be strategic for development (144/144)

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