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Self-Assessment Tool

Cluster: Management Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Management Skills cluster!

I feel that my ideas are discussed with the group. (1/156)

I would like to be able to say oppenly what I think. (2/156)

I feel that I have difficulties to manage stress when discussions are “on fire”. (3/156)

I find myself listening to others and try to have a positive attitude towards a conflict in the team/department. (4/156)

I feel like screaming when someone doesn't take my opinion into consideration (sometimes). (5/156)

I often find myself frustrated because others do not listen my opinion. (6/156)

I am able to respect other’s opinions. (7/156)

I often find myself calm when facing a conflict in my organization/department. (8/156)

I feel that it is hard for me to accept different sides without the validation of "my side". (9/156)

I am able to discuss openly, even when I do not agree with someone’s point of view. (10/156)

I would like to be able to react with a positive attitude when conflicts arise. (11/156)

I feel discomfort when I have to take a solution to a problem. (12/156)

I often find myself working while my employees are idle. (13/156)

My organization/department functions smoothly when I am absent. (14/156)

I spend more time than I should doing work my employees (colleagues) could do. (15/156)

I usually have the habit of following up on the jobs I delegate. (16/156)

There is usually a big pile of work that requires my action when I return from an absence. (17/156)

I find it difficult to ask others to do things. (18/156)

I usually give credit for a job well done. (19/156)

I trust others to do the tasks. (20/156)

I believe that delegating contributes to motivate employees (colleagues). (21/156)

I often find myself doing tasks I've delegated to others. (22/156)

It is difficult for me to manage delegation and sharing responsibility. (23/156)

I find it difficult to define the limits of authority. (24/156)

I am aware of the difficulty I have in keeping a clear mind everytime I have to decide. (25/156)

I often find myself considering if I took the right decision. (26/156)

I evaluate options I have, to make a decision, with the help of other managers. (27/156)

I am able to anticipate outcomes and see logical consequences. (28/156)

I can decide based on intuition and reasoning. (29/156)

In my organization/department decision-making about work changes is not well seen by employees/colleagues. (30/156)

I am able to analyse different information and base my decision on that. (31/156)

I often see myself being impulsive in taking some decisions. (32/156)

I am able to seek for new solutions. (33/156)

I often see myself taking responsibility for decision taken by me and by others. (34/156)

I can give problems their proper weight and context. (35/156)

I can decide despite the context or the problem. (36/156)

I am able to be attentive and present while listening the other person. (37/156)

I am able to communicate with simple language. (38/156)

I can communicate with efficacy. (39/156)

I have the ability to communicate nonverbally. (40/156)

I am able to be clear and concise. (41/156)

I can prioritize important information. (42/156)

I am able to respect other’s opinions. (43/156)

I have difficulties to listen the other person without interruptions. (44/156)

I can give others positive reinforcement. (45/156)

I have difficulties to give feedback to others about their mistakes. (46/156)

I am able to use positive language. (47/156)

I am able to listen more and talk less. (48/156)

I often express my gratitude to employees/colleagues. (49/156)

I value honesty and gratitude. (50/156)

I am able to take responsibility and accountability for my actions. (51/156)

I struggle to earn respect in my organization/department. (52/156)

I am reliable and trustworthy. (53/156)

I often find myself grateful for the life I have. (54/156)

I am able to respect other’s opinions. (55/156)

I am very sensible and patient (I can control my emotions). (56/156)

I often find myself with difficulties to deal with untrustworthy people. (57/156)

I am always consistent with my values despite the circumstances. (58/156)

I have strong values and find it hard when the surrounding do not consider them. (59/156)

I am able to understand and share the feelings of another. (60/156)

I can identify the emotion I am feeling at any given moment. (61/156)

I often find myself discovering new opportunities in simple situations of daily life. (62/156)

I can build a relationship based on motivation. (63/156)

I am aware that my motivation is often in a low level. (64/156)

I am able to maintain a positive attitude despite the situation. (65/156)

I have initiative to get others involved in a project. (66/156)

I am motivated to achieve the goals proposed. (67/156)

I often build clear goals for myself. (68/156)

I am on the lookout for new opportunities. (69/156)

I believe that everyone can improve motivational skills. (70/156)

I find myself trying to commit with organisational goals even when they are not “the right ones’” in my perspective. (71/156)

I have the courage to overcome the fear of the unknown inherent in new opportunities. (72/156)

It is not easy for me to reach a compromise. (73/156)

I often find myself trying to manage relationships that are not based on mutual respect. (74/156)

I often find myself reflecting about the problem/situation upon negotiation. (75/156)

I am clear and concise in communication. (76/156)

I can persuade others to achieve the most suitable outcome. (77/156)

I can face tedious or uncomfortable situations without losing control of my emotions or giving up in defeat. (78/156)

I am able to adapt to changing environments and work processes. (79/156)

I find myself in stress when I have to deal with differences in employees/colleagues in order to negotiate. (80/156)

I am able to prepare, plan and think ahead. (81/156)

I follow moral and ethical principles in all aspects of my life. (82/156)

I am able to see the problem and find a solution. (83/156)

I am able to react decisively. (84/156)

I often feel that I am not prepared to do presentations to big audiences. (85/156)

I am able to communicate clearly by using simple words. (86/156)

I am able to engage people’s attention. (87/156)

I find myself struggling with time management when I am presenting. (88/156)

I feel that I can use verbal and non-verbal language to present my ideas. (89/156)

Controlling the tone of my voice in presentations is difficult for me. (90/156)

I feel pressure when I have to answer the questions posed by the audience. (91/156)

I am calm when I do a speech to report a crisis situation. (92/156)

I fell that I can be persuasive to convince employees/colleagues. (93/156)

I have a consistent speech when in pressure. (94/156)

I am self-confident and manage well my emotions when presenting. (95/156)

I always prepare for a presentation. (96/156)

I can decide what to do quickly when faced with diferent scenarios where I am called to choose one. (97/156)

I am able to establish priorities. (98/156)

I am able to evaluate options accurately. (99/156)

I can anticipate outcomes and see logical consequences. (100/156)

I am not comfortable with difficult situations. (101/156)

I find it difficult to manage my emotions during a hard situation/problem. (102/156)

I am able to analyse problems with employees/colleagues. (103/156)

I am able to gather information and select the important one to solve a problem/situation. (104/156)

I spend more time than I should seeking for new solutions. (105/156)

I feel comfortable with the decisions I take. (106/156)

I can give problems their proper weight and context. (107/156)

I often feel that I have difficulties in facing problems in the right sequence. (108/156)

I am able to limit unnecessary stress. (109/156)

I often find myself struggling in order to say “no“. (110/156)

I am able to analyse my schedule and prioritise my tasks by level or urgency. (111/156)

I can limit the amount of time I spend with people who stress me out. (112/156)

I am able to identify how I can limit stress in a specific situation and take control of it. (113/156)

I always keep things in perspective and focus on positive thinking. (114/156)

I am able to make my feelings known (instead of bottling them up). (115/156)

I am able to communicate my concerns in an open and respectful way. (116/156)

I can deal with problems “head on”, and do my best to anticipate and prevent them. (117/156)

I am able to manage time to avoid stress. (118/156)

Whenever I find myself in situations than can generate stress, I often use stress management tools. (119/156)

I often feel that the process of dealing with or controlling things or others makes me anxious. (120/156)

I am able to plan ahead. (121/156)

I find myself stressed when I have to coordinate the work (of an entire department). (122/156)

I am able to communicate effectively with team members. (123/156)

I have some difficulties in coordinating teams due to my lack of patience to repeat myself. (124/156)

I am able to manage projects. (125/156)

I can clearly allocate human resources to several projects. (126/156)

I have difficulties to think strategically when I am in a stressful situation. (127/156)

I often feel the need to get advises from other managers regarding strategic issues. (128/156)

I have no patience to manage conflicts between employees/colleagues. (129/156)

I often find myself revising my strategy and goals to achieve. (130/156)

I often find myself having difficulties in concluding all the tasks on time. (131/156)

I am able to adapt rapidly to situations. (132/156)

I am able to identify a problem. (133/156)

I can outline the main elements of a problem. (134/156)

I often feel that I am not able to explain to employees/colleagues the changes needed to solve the problem. (135/156)

I am able to identify the necessary resources to solve a problem/situation. (136/156)

I am able to list the priorities, order and sequences in a problem. (137/156)

I find it difficult to be creative when faced with difficult problems/situations. (138/156)

I often find myself having difficulties in communicate my decisions. (139/156)

I make it a habit to solve problems alone. (140/156)

I spend more time than I should trying to get a common solution to the problem/situation. (141/156)

I am able to conduct an effective research. (142/156)

I have problems on finding a consensus due to the lack of trust (on colleagues/employees). (143/156)

My organization/department doesn’t function whenever there is a problem to solve. (144/156)

I am able to communicate clearly my ideas with the group. (145/156)

I am able to communciate with simple language. (146/156)

Teamwork at my organization/department may be stressful. (147/156)

I often feel that team members are judging me. (148/156)

I can work in-group depending on the group members. (149/156)

I find myself making bad judgement of team members’ actions when they do not agree with my opinions. (150/156)

I can respect others’ opinions when mine are respected. (151/156)

I am able to emotionally understand what other people feel. (152/156)

I often find myself giving others positive reinforcement. (153/156)

It is not easy for me to give my honest opinion when working in-group. (154/156)

I am able to work in teams where ideas are discussed before reaching a decision. (155/156)

I struggle with myself when I am in a team where people are always “fighting” for their own goals. (156/156)

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