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Self-Assessment Tool

Cluster: Organizational Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Organizational Skills cluster!

I am able to shift gears with minimal complaints. (1/51)

My view of myself and my world is characterized by optimism and confidence. (2/51)

My failures present opportunities for innovation. (3/51)

I can readily imagine new uses for old ideas. (4/51)

I recognize myself as someone who is able to change his/her position and modify him/herself accordingly (5/51)

I am able to make concessions in my decisions if this allows an agreement to be reached. (6/51)

I seek other peoples' opinion. (7/51)

I am able to actively listen to others (8/51)

I am able to analyse problems without blaming. (9/51)

I am always meeting deadlines for individual contribution. (10/51)

I am respected among team members. (11/51)

I am striving to fulfil group commitments. (12/51)

I take full responsibility for my mistakes. (13/51)

I am willing to find solutions to the problems. (14/51)

I am able to negotiate roles that take advantage of individual benefits. (15/51)

I do the most important tasks at my best time during the day. (16/51)

I avoid meetings that are time wasters. (17/51)

I don’t procrastinate. (18/51)

I use organized weekly/monthly time plan. (19/51)

I make a list of my strengths and weaknesses before I start planning (20/51)

I have alternative plans up my sleeve in case of setbacks or pitfalls (21/51)

I make plans as per my understanding and do not look for opportunities or resources (22/51)

I take the suggestions of my team in formulating a plan (23/51)

I keep my team informed about all my plans, strategies and available opportunities (24/51)

I am not afraid to take risks (25/51)

Before sketching out a plan, I look for gaps and issues that might cause possible setbacks to my plan (26/51)

I generate solutions through brainstorming and discussing with team members (27/51)

I am be able to achieve most of the goals that I have set for myself. (28/51)

In general, I think that I can obtain outcomes that are important to me. (29/51)

I am be able to successfully overcome many challenges. (30/51)

I am confident that I can perform effectively on many different tasks. (31/51)

Compared to other people, I can do most tasks very well. (32/51)

Even when things are tough, I can perform quite well (33/51)

I easily meet dealines. (34/51)

I manage my workload effectively. (35/51)

I am able to use time wiselly and avoid distractions. (36/51)

I have no problem adapting to change and re-evaluate my priorities. (37/51)

I am able to control stress when dealing with multiple tasks. (38/51)

I use to deal with the important tasks first and put secondary tasks aside. (39/51)

I put off tasks that are not important. (40/51)

I prioritise my ‘to-do’ list. (41/51)

I find my plans are hindered by interruptions. (42/51)

I enjoy quality time with my family and friends. (43/51)

I delegate tasks that can be done by others. (44/51)

I find myself asking for extensions to deadlines in order to complete a task. (45/51)

I break complex tasks into small steps. (46/51)

I allow buffer time in my schedule to deal with the unexpected. (47/51)

I am stressed about deadlines and commitments. (48/51)

Distractions keep me from working on critical tasks. (49/51)

I have to take work home in order to get it done. (50/51)

The tasks I work on are the ones with the highest priority. (51/51)

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