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Self-Assessment Tool

Cluster: Personal Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Personal Skills cluster!

I am able to highly demonstrate assertive and decisive ability when finding solutions for problems. (1/49)

I know how to clarify problems and solutions easily so that other people can understand. (2/49)

I ususally take in into consideration different and varied perspectives when solving problems. (3/49)

I am able to examine the implications and possible consequences to any particular action carefully. (4/49)

I gather all the required facts and figures before starting to solve a particular problem. (5/49)

I always seek to ask questions as a form of finding a sound basis to solving a problem. (6/49)

I show less flexibility when it comes to changing strategies while dealing with certain problem. (7/49)

I don’t feel comfortable and confident when seeking help or advice whenever stuck on solving any issue. (8/49)

I find it challenging to arrive at a concrete conclusion after undertaking any evaluation. (9/49)

I am able to present ideas and points in a logical order or outline. (10/49)

I take positive attitude toward myself and others. (11/49)

I don’t give up easily. (12/49)

Others feel encouraged after talking to me. (13/49)

I have a good sense of humor. (14/49)

There’s nothing to worry about. (15/49)

I enjoy a challenge. (16/49)

I am so relaxed. (17/49)

My life keeps getting better. (18/49)

I state my opinion with confidence. (19/49)

My future looks bright. (20/49)

I am fun to be with. (21/49)

I am comfortable with life. (22/49)

I have friends who support me. (23/49)

Bad days are rare. (24/49)

There is no problem that is hopeless. (25/49)

I watch how others react to me to understand which of my own behaviours are effective and which are not. (26/49)

I can deal calmly, sensitively, and proactively with the emotional displays of others. (27/49)

It’s easy to understand why other people feel the way they do. (28/49)

When I meet some people I am aware of the physical reactions that signal sudden changes in my body. (29/49)

I understand why other people feel the way they do. (30/49)

When I feel a strong impulse to do something, I usually pause to reflect and decide whether I really want to act on it. (31/49)

When I feel angry I can still stay composed. (32/49)

I consider my “emotional temperature” before I make important decisions. (33/49)

I can identify the emotion I am feeling at any given moment. (34/49)

I can show empathy and match my feelings with those of another person in an interaction. (35/49)

I think about the emotions behind my actions. (36/49)

I'm confident in my ability to achieve goals I set for myself. (37/49)

I think positively about setting goals and working towards achieving them. (38/49)

I work better when there is a deadline. (39/49)

I believe that if I work hard and apply my abilities and talents, I will be successful. (40/49)

I reward myself when accomplishing significant goals. (41/49)

I tend to put forth my best effort so that I feel proud of my work. (42/49)

I worry about deadlines and getting things done, which causes stress and anxiety. (43/49)

I set challenging goals for myself. (44/49)

When an unexpected event threatens or jeopardizes my goal, I tend to walk away, set a different goal, and move in a new direction (45/49)

When doing a job I need a feedback. (46/49)

I include others in what I am doing. (47/49)

I accept responsibility eagerly. (48/49)

I work best when there is some challenge involved. (49/49)

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