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Self-Assessment Tool

Cluster: Social Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Social Skills cluster!

I think before I speak because I am aware of how words may not mean the same thing to other people that they do to me. (1/83)

I understand that sometimes the message the other person is sending may not be the same one I am receiving. (2/83)

Before I communicate, verbally or nonverbally, I fully understand who my receiver is. (3/83)

I make my messages as precise and to the point as possible. (4/83)

I deliberately avoid the use of slang words and idioms with those who may be offended by them. (5/83)

I try not to use words that might cause an emotional response that may distress or confuse the receiver of my message. (6/83)

I recognize that how I say something is just as important as what I say. (7/83)

I examine my verbal communication to determine what nonverbal messages I send and how well they imitate the meaning I wish to get across. (8/83)

I carefully consider the method of delivery for my message: a face-to-face meeting, over the telephone or in writing. (9/83)

I form opinions about what others say to me based on what I hear them saying rather than what I think of them as a person. (10/83)

I make an honest effort to listen to ideas with which I don't agree. (11/83)

I listen carefully of the ideas of others before making decisions. (12/83)

My thoughts run very vividly, so I often interrupt others in communication. (13/83)

I often know in advance what people want to tell me. (14/83)

I can engage in an interaction with another and pretty well size-up that person's mood based on non-verbal signals. (15/83)

I am comfortable with face-to-face interactions. (16/83)

Even if the other person does not tell me, I can sense if I am intruding. (17/83)

I can identify the emotion I am feeling at any given moment. (18/83)

I understand why other people feel the way they do. (19/83)

I openly share my feelings with others. (20/83)

When I feel angry I can still stay self-controlled. (21/83)

I know how to calm myself down when I feel anxious or upset. (22/83)

I avoid conflict and negotiations. (23/83)

I find it difficult to read other people's emotions. (24/83)

I lose my temper when I feel frustrated. (25/83)

Others feel encouraged after talking to me. (26/83)

I can deal calmly, sensitively, and proactively with the emotional displays of others. (27/83)

I am able to honestly say how I feel without getting others upset. (28/83)

I can show empathy and match my feelings with those of another person in an interaction. (29/83)

I am respected and liked by others, even when they don’t agree with me. (30/83)

I watch how others react to me to understand which of my own behaviours are effective and which are not. (31/83)

It’s easy to understand why other people feel the way they do. (32/83)

I have a hard time making it through stressful events. (33/83)

I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times. (34/83)

I believe that my life is meaningful and worth living. (35/83)

I believe that am not a victim of the circumstances and I can influence my life situations. (36/83)

I have at least one person in my life with whom I can share everything – the good and the bad. (37/83)

I take time for the people that are important to me. (38/83)

I can rely on the support of others when I need it. (39/83)

It does not take me long to recover from a stressful event. (40/83)

I look forward to a bright future and know I can handle difficulties (41/83)

I adapt flexibly to change and easily accept the unchangeable. (42/83)

I prefer finding solutions instead searching for mistakes and someone to blame. (43/83)

I am important to myself and I take good care of myself. (44/83)

I trust myself, my intuition, and my abilities. (45/83)

I set clear priorities for my life. (46/83)

I notice new and positive things more often than negative and well-known things. (47/83)

I contribute to the well-being of others. (48/83)

I am becoming nervous when connecting with others. (49/83)

I easily adapt to others. (50/83)

I help other people feel better when they are down. (51/83)

Feelings of others baffle me. (52/83)

I am able to recognize the wishes of others. (53/83)

I know how to act in accordance with the feelings of others. (54/83)

I feel relaxed in various social situations. (55/83)

People who are willing to do anything for me make me nervous. (56/83)

By looking at their facial expressions, I recognize the emotions people are experiencing. (57/83)

Other people find it easy to confide in me. (58/83)

I do not become defensive when criticized. (59/83)

It is difficult for me to understand why people feel the way they do. (60/83)

I maintain a sense of humour. (61/83)

I try to see things from another’s position. (62/83)

I recognize how my behaviour affects others. (63/83)

I seek out activities that make me happy (64/83)

When another person tells me about an important event in his or her life, I almost feel as though I have experienced this event myself. (65/83)

I am able to honestly say how I feel without getting others upset. (66/83)

I often say »yes«, when I really want to say »no«. (67/83)

I find it difficult to stand my ground in an argument with someone else. (68/83)

When I don't agree, I try to make my opinion hard. (69/83)

I adapt to accept the behaviour even if it is not what I choose. (70/83)

I often raise my voice to achieve results. (71/83)

I am not afraid to tell people what I think, even if I am facing hostile response. (72/83)

I believe that how people behave is up to them. (73/83)

I would feel vulnerable if i was suddenly put in charge of handling a crisis (74/83)

I find it easy to put forward my viewpoint even when other people are trying to put forward theirs. (75/83)

I am often critical of my own behaviour. (76/83)

I believe that by being open about how I feel assists in achieving clear communication. (77/83)

I feel uncomfortable when people criticize me. (78/83)

When people try and force me to do something, I usually manage to achieve a compromise with which we are both happy. (79/83)

I tend to approach problems in a consultative and democratic manner. (80/83)

I find it easy to let people put forward their views in preference to my own. (81/83)

I believe that being open about one's emotions is a sign of vulnerability, so I rarely do it. (82/83)

I find it easy to relate to, and feel responsible for other people's problems. (83/83)

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