Personal Skills: Self awareness


Definition of self-awareness involves being aware of different aspects of Self, like personality traits, feelings and behaviours.  It is one of the first components of self-concept.

Personality Traits:

Psychological classification of different types of individuals we denote as Personality Types. Sometimes they distinguish from personality traits – smaller grouping of behavioural   tendencies.

People have unique personalities that make them who they are. There are many different types of personality traits, including some that are positive and some that are negative. A personality trait is defined as something about a person that impacts how they tend to think, feel and behave on an ongoing basis. Personality traits are characteristic of enduring behavioral and emotional patterns.

Positive personality traits manifest themselves in many ways. When a person's regular behavior exhibits the same positive attributes time and time again, the associated behaviors become definitive of  their character. 

The most commonly positive personality traits are being hones and taking responsibility for one’s own actions and decisions. To get along with others adaptability and kindness are great traits, as well compassion, empathy, patience, loyalty, trustworthiness, optimistic, reliable, fair, discreet, respectful, if we mention just few of them.

Consider some of negative attributes we have to emphasize that you and everyone you meet have at least a few negative personality traits as well. For example, propensity for lying, a tendency to be dishonest, rigid, unable to empathize with others, being quick to anger, being disloyal, bossy, self-centered, rude, picky, or disrespectful.

For someone working in the field of helping professions, it is first and foremost important to have good mental health conditions across the spectrum. Such person can be described as fully functioning person who tends in his/her personal development to self-actualization.

The fully functioning person is an individual who has “ideal emotional health.” Generaly such person will be open to experience, lives with the sense of meaning and purpose, and trust in self and others.

Her self-concept is constantly taking new information and experiences. Such individuals are in touch with their emotions and make a conscious effort to grow as a person.

**New scientific outcomes in neuroscience indicate that an area of the brain as the interior cingulate cortex located in the frontal lobe region plays and important role in developing self-awareness. Studies used the brain imaging to show that the region become activated in adults who are self-aware.

Self-awareness is an important component of personal development, which is without a doubt a life -long process. It represents a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to maximize and realise their potentials. Surrounding personal development there are many ideas, one of them is the Maslow’s  process of self-actualisation. He suggests that all individuals have in-built need for personal development. The extent to which individuals are able to develop depends on certain needs being met in the form of hierarchy.

The basic human needs have always been the need for food, beverages and body protection, both in clothing and the suitable place. However, in today’s complex environment, we need to add to the basic needs the needs for health and social care and education. Satisfying all of these basic human needs is now one of the fundamental human rights (UN Human rights and Freedom declaration).  People today are not just trying to satisfy their basic needs, but also to live in prosperity. It does also mean that people live in a safe, healthy and free environment. Prosperity is a prerequisite for human happiness and its real development. Life in prosperity does not make us happy by itself, but it helps us that we can be happy, satisfied and creative. The prosperity of social community and humanity as a whole should be the ultimate goals of the entire social structure. 

Significance in Times of Crisis (e.g. pandemic)

The level of self-awareness is at a high enough level where a person is aware of their own limitations and strengths. Because he encounters vulnerable individuals in his work, she is able to clearly demarcate herself in relation to the client. In this sense, potential emotional and other abuses that can often result from unplanned and non-intentional manipulations, too tight self-identification with the client’s experience, unresolved traumatic events of one’s own past, and the like. Therefore, one of the most important skills of client-centered help and support on social level is a sufficiently high level of self-awareness.